How to prevent Primary Cancer (Dr. RJ van Zonneveld)

Prevention is better than treatment, so applies to all diseases with the name of a collection of cancer. Due to the possibility of healing cancer is not large, even very small, it is very important try to prevent this disease.

Prevention of skin cancer, for example by avoiding too much exposure to sunlight (UV rays) is very important, but if the disease arises, with both treatments cure still reaches 95%. On the other hand the possibility of 5-year survival is only 5-10%.

Also because of the high frequency of this disease in the prevention of this by not smoking tobacco, especially cigarettes, is relatively very large benefits. This great benefits not only for the benefit of patients and their social environment (family, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, and so on) but also in the light of society and the economy it is very important.


Is it cancer prevention?

Prevention of cancer is the prevention and spread of the circumstances and processes (pre) pathological characterize various cancers. Prevention of cancer in a person also called primary prevention (so there is no sign of the disease something).

Prevention, eradication of early symptoms, including cure, or slow the progressive growth of a cancer in people so in this case already in the early stages of the disease is called secondary prevention (cancer control), although in this case we actually have run a therapy.

In other words, secondary prevention aims to recognize the disease process as early as possible after meaning arise before the onset of certain symptoms or complaints were obviously disturbing for the sufferer.

Secondary prevention leads to a living:

1. preliminary signs (precursors) of a disease such as carcinoma in situ of the cervix uteri is, or specific risk factors for this disease, such as sexual intercourse too young or change partners often.

2. latent symptoms such as the presence of a shadow on the photo lungs without subjective complaints, or symptoms are mild or vague (eg fatigue, care, cough, blood in sputum, the cells in sputum, hematuria).

Regarding early detection, for example with 'screening' the population or certain groups of the population, discussed in a special chapter on this subject (Valkenburg). A section of certain people based on certain circumstances (offspring, the effects of excessive carcinogenic materials, such as jobs in a particular industry, intrauterine irradiation, treatment in threatened abortion) have a greater likelihood to get cancer.

Systematic overview of the factors in the host and external factors that pointed to the habits of life that carries risks, contained in the chapter 'epidemiology of cancer'. Sections of the so-called 'high risk' should receive special attention.

Does custody, (surveillance) is still included primary prevention, or is already a first step of secondary prevention is not an important thing. The meaning and importance factions' 'high risk' in the overall eradication and prevention of cancer will be discussed separately (by van Dongen).

Primary Prevention: 

Which will be discussed later in this chapter is primary prevention. Primary prevention aims to reduce the incidence of, reducing the incidence of new cases; Secondary prevention seeks to early diagnosis and proper treatment, directed and premature ill shorten the shortest possible time, so improving healing and reducing the 'prevalence' 'the number of cases found in a particular time or in a certain period.


Primary prevention only really effective if various causes, etiology, certain cancers has been known. But sometimes the clues one or more than one because it was so clearly, until a complete understanding of the mechanisms of the disease in this case does not need to wait longer onset to already start prevention or eradication of this disease such as the relationship between smoking a lot of cigarettes with lungs cancer lung.

But this does not mean that the search for factors other suspected causes are complex and do not have to be done in earnest. Regarding the nature and meaning of various carcinogenic materials will be discussed more in depth in a separate chapter.

The activities are aimed at primary prevention and the environment or in humans. From various investigations, especially epidemiological investigation is clear, how much sense environmental factors to the occurrence of cancer. Approximately 70-90% of all cancer cases, caused by environmental stimuli.

In international relations, especially the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, which is related to the WHO, epidemiological and pathological studies deal-geographic. The program of this Institute and the Netherlands also participated in it addressed to the identification, control and eradication (control) of the factors that have carcinogens in the environment and find ways to protect the environment against the entry of stimuli (stimuli) new cancer.

As examples can be mentioned among others: vinilkhlorida arsenic, asbestos, cider. It's been absolutely clear that this task can only be handled well by a variety of disciplines, which is sometimes very different from one another (epidemiologists, sociologists, environmental hygiene expert, physician, immunologist, biochemist, statistician, etc.), in a good cooperation.

That many cancers are caused by the environment, or environmental factors participate in the occurrence of cancer, it is a thing that gives hope. Because with it the cancer diseases in principle there are consequences that can not be avoided of human life, but it may be because of its association with factors influenced the way of life in a good direction, even partially or wholly avoidable of human life.

In this case a so-so designated possible meanings of the foods and certain parts of the food to the occurrence of certain cancers (breast carcinoma, colon karsinoam).

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